WEBINAR | APRIL 27, 2023
Remote Monitoring of Critical Assets With Systems With Intelligence Touchless™ Monitoring Solutions
Date: Thursday, March 23, 2023
Time: 11:00 AM ET
Duration: 1 Hour
Sponsored by: Systems With Intelligence & FLIR
This webinar will outline how Infrared Thermography plays a key role in a comprehensive Asset Performance Management (APM) System. The webinar will show how APM can reduce overall O&M costs while at the same time increase operational efficiencies, safety and reliability. Infrared Thermography plays an important role in finding anomalies in the electrical system. However, automation, advancements in the technology, and integration with asset management systems unlocks a new level of information that can be used to optimize operations. The webinar will demonstrate how Infrared Thermography plays a key role in Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) and Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) programs that can provide users comprehensive diagnostics and prognostics information of their substation primary and secondary equipment. This information can be used to optimize the usage of this equipment, avoiding unplanned outages, and moving to a “Just in Time” maintenance schedule.